Emily accepts, despite Navin's disagreement. Emily joins him, telling him they're all in danger. This expends Emily's endurance and she collapses, to the worry of her brother. We do get to see Emily's kid tho, and I don't think Trellis is the father. Trellis tells Emily about when he saw his father remove his mask, revealing that he was just a corpse being used a puppet. Dagno is very loyal to his friends, as it is shown in one of the books when Gabilan tries to harm Rico. 9 books. Emily talks to Silas, who dies soon afterward. He tells Emily that his father is being possessed by something, and that he wanted to destroy whatever was controlling his dead body by destroying the amulet of the king. He also teaches her the history of the Elf King. She asks Moze that will they meet in the future, to which Moze replies as yes. While Miskit is still reluctant to trust Leon, Emily accepts his offer when Luger, another elf stonekeeper, locates them and destroys the hospital with cannon fire. Emily breaks free of Ikol completely, takes full control of the stone, and unlocks powers that she had not learned before. They follow the person who was on the road, and the voice tells Emily to Make Him Pay. Present Emily initially met Moze in the Void, but is currently unaware that he is her son. Leon Redbeard, like many other citizens of Kanalis, came under the effects of a curse during his human childhood, causing him to become a humanoid fox (with others in the city becoming different animals). When he returns, Riva and Patrick try to convince everyone that they are safer in the city, not Charnon House, which he is right about, but almost nobody listens. Emily then notices that they are in her hometown, and that the approaching car is her family's. Trellis wakes up to find the airship destroyed and all of them falling, but manages to land everyone safely. She promises that she will free Karen as the Arachnopod breaks free and gets away, and the Albatross flies away, crashing in the woods below. The voice says that due to magic, it will not be able to speak with Emily while she is in Cielis, and it also warns her not to pass through a certain hallway there. Emily and Navin pursue the Arachnopod through a strange cavern. But after watching in amazement as Emily swiftly saves Trellis and Luger from being tortured for treason, they agree. Emily is commanded by the voice to wreak havoc on a city. She points to the wall behind her, saying that they were already here. He arranges for them to meet Layra and for an airship to take them to Frontera. They find the Gadoba Trees, sentient beings, that tells them of the Gadoba fruit's power and the unfortunate outcome that would result from having picked the wrong one. Emily and her friends lead the soldiers of the Cielis Guard in a fight to stop him, but Max stands in their way. Trellis shot at her catching her gently. As Luger is about to execute Emily, he is attacked by Trellis, who is unhappy with how Luger treated him. Well, there's the Drarry shippers in the HP fandom that's shipping two characters who dislike each other, which made me think shipping characters who hate each other is really common in fandoms. YASS!!! Gabilan: Initially, Gabilan had attempted to murder both Trellis and Emily, and readied to kill Emily's Mother and Brother if necessary. When asked, Ronin replies that she only wants to go home. Aron Eli Coleite was selected to write the script. Trellis: Initially mortal enemies, these two developed an unlikely friendship over the course of the series. Trellis is the son of the Elf King and younger brother of Luger, as well as a stonekeeper and intended successor to the throne of Gulfen. In the meantime, Navin has joined the Colossus Pilot Program. The children continue to travel through the cavern, while the Voice of Emily's amulet tells her where to go. As of The Stonekeeper's Curse, she wears a long-sleeved white blouse layered under a button-up cerulean tunicand a pair of skin-tight aqua-green pants under a pair of combat-boots at the lower legs as well as matching elbow-high armbands on each forearm, wrist, and hand. Preparing for a big battle ahead, Emily found herself dealing with Max Griffin. Luger immediately attacks them, defeating Miskit and Leon with relative ease. As dusk arrives and night starts to settle, Emily and her father sat at their camp, roasting marshmallows at the fire yet she has set a deep frown, prompting her father to ask what's wrong as she's been quiet. But seriously, They'd be cute. Balan and the other rebels declare Navin as the commander of the Resistance. Before they depart, they run into Luger and Trellis, who are running away from the elf army and the Elf King's new commander, Gabilan, a mercenary who steals the memories of people. Emily physically appears as a slender human girl of an average height and ectomorph figure-build depicting straight, shoulder-length auburn hair, brown eyes, and a pale skin complexion. She has demonstrated herself to be an adequately skilled fighter and stonekeeper, even though she has much to learn about the true nature of her stone. As soon as I read about Riva, I was scared that she and Trellis would be together, but that was not the case. Trellis reluctantly follows Emily. At last, when an old lady is seen fighting Ikol and Moze urges Emily to go in a safe portal, Emily is shocked as she realizes that the old lady was herself and no one else. Human (normal/current)Phoenix (alternate form; temporarily) He steals it, revealing his true loyalty to the nation of the Elves. WebRiva was a definitely child when the war started, so she should be around 16, which is Trellis's age. I can finally say how long the series will be. His stone returned to him as he died and reanimated him, allowing him to escape. Unfortunately, her resistance ebbed away by Book 7 when the Voice used her grief and rage over her father's death against her, causing her to lose control and transform into a colossal beast, a phoenix. But then suddenly and unfortunately, the three were involved in a car accident that sadly caused David's life to vanish and Emily and Karen safely survived; this event changed the family's life drastically. Trellis believes Emily is the better stonekeeper, however, Emily sees Trellis as a person who helps people better than her. Emily's family ultimately chose to remain with Emily in Alledia, despite the dangers they are now faced with.[2]. Navin and a young woman named Alyson assemble an air fleet, complete with jets and mechs. Trellis proves himself to the elves by using his amulet to create a large bubble shield. However, Leon believes that the city still exists, but it is hidden in the clouds. Emily discovers that she is competing for a place on the council, and she protests to Max, saying that she only wanted to speak with them. Navin and Alyson run missions on a new planet, and learn more about the resistance's reach across planets, and prepares to battle an army of shadows. Along the way, Leon helps Emily use the amulet better, as well as warning her to not let the stone control her. They fail to rescue Karen at first, but the mysterious elf named Trellis reappears and kills the arachnopod, freeing Karen. They also own an airship called Luna Moth. Described as a "natural born leader", she has demonstrated herself to be a very skilled and adept fighter and stonekeeper, even if she has much to learn about the true nature of her stone. 5 - Trellis gets saved by Emily. They did not know That you are the king." As soon as I read about Riva, I was scared that she and Trellis would be together, but that was not the case. Emily has a dream where she is younger, and is on a camping trip with her father. Trellis finds the memory he wants to view, and he and Emily enter it. In the third book, Emily saves him from the Elf King's guards when they attempted to arrest him, using a stunning staff to electrocute him. Emily is 13 or 14 Emily rushes over and saves her dad, and her dad asks where the person who was standing on the road is. It indicates, "Click to perform a search". Emily's determination to curing her mother after she is poisoned by an arachnopod was heavily driven by the fact that she is not prepared to lose yet another person she loves. Shortly after, he is sentenced to fifty years in the Ice Prison of Korthan for aiding in the escape of war prisoners and he would face trial in prison for his actions leading to the deaths of four soldiers. As soon as the trio arrives in Charnon House, the figure takes his disguise and reveals himself as Miskit, a small light-pink rabbit robot. Emily approaches a wall, telling the two of them that there was a reason why they couldn't find the island on the map. While en route to Kanalis, Emily worries very much about Karen. She had a relationship with a Gadoba tree, Father Charles. I've got nothing wrong with Tremily. Emily is 13 or 14 and Trellis is 16, I know that is alarming for some because of the difference in age but they should really be together. WebTrellis contemplated that as he began to prepare the batter. Riva Ash is the mayor of Lucien who cared for the resistance and became good friends with Navin and Aly when she saved them from a creature which takes over others. It's pretty awkward, Karen mistook Luger for Trellis's father.He didn't talk back, he just turns around and slams the door, like a typical teenager would. The fifth book shows his tense relationship with his father, and friendship with a young elf called Layra, whose family was persecuted against because they were elves, despite their help in building Cielis. Trellis did that and he swam to land. Broken, the young Emily sobs into her hands, before lifting her head and glare at the fire, matching its ferocity with her rage before waking up. Hey guys and girls, this is my next story called the love of to stone keepers. WebTrellis was crowned King of the Elves yesterday. In the real world, Strikerfish possessed by shadows flood Gabilan's citadel. Max Griffin makes his debut in the third book to take Emily to Cielis after she activates a beacon. Weapon of Choice When shadows attack, Riva attempts to evacuate everyone via the underground trains. Emily and her mother Karen, and her husband David went on a road-trip to travel to pick up Navin. Emily can't sleep and she runs into Trellis. Alyson Hunter: Not many interactions have been seen between the two, however they both seem to hold a mutual respect for each other. In the fifth book, the thing controlling him was revealed to be the Voice. I feel like I'm the only one:(. Meanwhile, the Voice of Emily's Amulet is getting stronger, and threatens to overtake her completely. Her main professional skill as a stonekeeper is combat. WebForgot to mention the part in book seven when the duo is traveling through the portals and Emily is reassuring Trellis, who is feeling doubtful about himself, this is very significant WebThis new fox friend offers to take Em on the perilous trip up Demon's Head Mountain to find the antidote she needs. They start at a bar, but have no luck finding one until encountering Rico and Enzo, whose also interested in finding the city, having thought to have seen it once, though they are doubtful at first. Then she is turned back by a trip to the Void and meets her elderly future self. After failing to capture Emily and having his act of interception at Gondoa Mountain seen as treason, Trellis and his brother Luger abandon the Elf King, eventually joining Emily and the Resistance after Emily defends them from the Elf King's soldiers. Miskit aids Emily in finding Karen by allowing her and Navin the use of the Albatross in order to pursue the Arachnopod that had abducted their mother. 33 Comments. She's the daughter of Karen and David Hayes, great-granddaughter of Silas Charnon, and the older sister of Navin. Transformation sequence of Emily unconsolably morphing into a phoenix when she loses control of her amulet. Dec 31, 2014 - Amulet Vol. They're forced to escape to a portal where they borrow mech suits from Pil's parents. Hayes is a stonekeeper, as well as a leading member of the Resistance and She tearfully runs to hug his father and he tells her father that she misses him as much as Karen and Navin do, and her father tells her he misses her too, yet he disperses into light, revealing everything was truly fake all along. While in Lucien, they are persued by shadows, which are the same species as Sybrian from the first novel. The two are on very familiar terms. She has two amulets, but her's aren't even Vigo tells her that Silas Charnon had espoused the idea that the Void, a dreamspace built of Stonekeeper memories and a place where Stonekeepers can go to examine their past and even communicate with one another, was real, and could allow one to alter reality. What they discover is a dark secret that changes everything. WebEmily, still screaming, fell. As they are about to exit the memory through a portal, Emily sees her father in another one, and decides to follow him. The Firebird then bursts out of the sea and flies off. When she is about to tell him about the Voice, the frigates transporting the pilots and Colossus units are attacked by Chronos and Max. Enzo is more bossy and rude than Rico, but is kind-hearted. During the various occasions Emily and Navin are separated while in Alledia, they worry about each other's safety often and even embrace whenever reunited. To rescue Alledia by ending the warHelp Elf Prince Trellis and her other friends defeat his father and genuinely take his place as king of Gulfen (accomplished) He stayed in his memories for months, never waking up, then died, causing much grief to Vigo. Tremily trellis x emily by mopilartegarcia da2djwg-fullview. He had smiled Elves are very pale in the series. As a stonekeeper, Emily utilizes her amulet mainly as an offence and uses it to practice using stone magic. She's mentored/taught by Leon and Vigo, both of whom pared to most stonekeepers, Emily is acceptably skilled at utilizing her power, learning its basics. He is known to be close to Silas Charon. When he destroys a city airship in anger for shooting down Layra's family, he's sentenced to fifty years in prison. During their trip, wyverns attack the ship, damaging it and taking Cogsley and Miskit. Then, Emily, Vigo, and Trellis head onto the elf ship, which is about to explode. Suddenly, Navin and the others arrive at the top of the mountain, and combined with Emily's amulet, the house-mech defeats Luger. Her goal upon entering Alledia was to find a cure for Karen when she was poisoned after she was stung by an arachnopod, but she remained in Alledia after her mother was cured in order to lend support in the fight against the Elf King and later the Voice of the amulet itself. Leon and Emily are often seen training together. It is an amulet fanfiction featuring trellis and emily as the main characters. Emily was in her room on the ship. She lied on her bed thinking about what had happened the past 2 days. They had been running from elves, and the prince joined them, along with Luger. I'm not a huge fan of Tremily, but Triva would make a lot of sense to me because they However, she remained in Alledia after her mother was cured in order to lend support to the fight against Elf Prince Trellis's evil father, the Elf King and later the voice of her stone spirit (as well as trying to fulfill her true ambition to bring back her father). After David Hayes died in a car accident, his widow, Karen, and their children, Emily and Navin, move to a house in the town of Norlen, as Karen can no longer afford to live in the house she owned with David. Emily asks Trellis to find her family, before she becomes a firebird. Emily Hayes is the main, primary female protagonist of Kazu Kibuishi's graphic-novel series: Amulet. Emily still couldn't get the image out of her mind when he looked at her as the crown was placed on his thin head. The elves inform Luger of this sighting, and they are instructed to pursue them. When she regains control, Emily uses her powers to help keep the house together while battling Luger. My family, my home. The elves find the Gadoba forest, and burn it down in anger. Amulet is a graphic novel series illustrated and written by Kazu Kibuishi and published by Graphix, an imprint of Scholastic. The doctor informs Emily that the only thing that can cure Karen is a fruit from the peak of Demon's Head Mountain. The two reflect on how they feel The removal of his mask killed the King. With Vigo's help, she becomes a strong stonekeeper, and learns more about the past and he helped her especially with the issues with Max as he knew him personally. She then goes into the Void to rescue Trellis, and later on he repays the debt by getting her out from Max's memories. Max and the Elves attack, destroying many ships. Emily asks the voice its name (ikol) and she says that now Ikol is following her, not the other way around, and asks if it trusts her, to which it says yes. He ends up leaving after Emily claims she can't feel it. Meanwhile, after Emily, Trellis and Vigo assemble as the remaining members of the Council of Stonekeepers, while Navin prepares the resistance for war, as they have found out that the elves were planning an attack on Frontera. Her father tells her that it's just a bad dream and everything's alright, Emily admits she wishes it was true, now starting to cry, but bitterly acknowledges that it's not. WebBut still in book 8 when trellis found Emily with the playground manager women and Emily said "Trellis!" Emily brings Karen back to the others, and Cogsley transforms the house into a walking mech, and sets course to find a cure for Karen. When Emily asks whether it is possible Max might be controlled by his stone, the Voice ends the discussion. Emily then replies that they will defend Lucien. The party arrives at Cielis, but they are split up. The gang uses a harpoon to help slow the fast-moving Arachnopod, and Miskit uses what he thinks is a tranquilizer to sedate the creature, realizing that he had accidentally brought vitamin supplements instead when the creature doesn't show signs of tiring. He sends a servant to request the Guardian Council's help, when he talks to them asking them to help him fight off the voice. Miskit: Emily's guide. Miskit is suspicious, Navin is worried about being left behind, and Emily is in the toughest spot of all. Goal Finding out Trellis is unable to help due to his consciousness being in the Void, Emily goes to Vigo for help, but instead she is told to stay away and eventually falls off the ship due to the blast of power from her own, Vigo's and Max's stones. The house, which has been in her family for years, is large and needs care and attention. Later that night, a eerie voice warns Emily to watch out for her family as there is danger nearby. They wake up, and so does Max a few miles away. Navin is an amazing pilot and can be seen keeping everyone out of danger with his skills. Miskit views it as his newfound purpose to help and guide Emily. Most of the time, however, her powers react to her negative emotions, causing rather destructive damage to her enemies or environment. Under all her stubbornness and determination however, Emily harbors deep anger and sadness about her Father's death and wants to reverse what happened more than anything, even though impossible to do. [4] Karen is shown being impressed by the maturity her children show when interacting with the friends they have made so far in Alledia. Emily was first shown to be happy and carefree. It turns out that he was only after the Mother Stone, where all the stonekeeper's' stones are cut out from, and that the Guardian Council has been gone for a long time, with everything having been a powerful illusion. Emily, Vigo, Trellis and the others begin a search for Algos Island. She wakes up in the void, where a creature made of Dark Matter welcomes her. The Voice then appears to Emily and tells her that she should've slain Elf Prince Trellis while she had the chance. Even up until the current books (Most recent; Supernova Book #8) after the car accident which led to his death, the anguish seems to still weigh rather heavily on Emily's mind, altering her outlook on life and causing her to become generally more solemn and reclusive. He shook his head to dry the water out. Max reveals that they were in the catacombs of Cielis, and that he had set up Emily to help him acquire the mother stone. She was chosen to be mayor since her father helped Lucien survive.She is about Trellis's age and tries to support him during these hard times. In the sixth book, Trellis becomes warmer to the crew of the Luna Moth, especially Luger, playing a game of Othello together and exchanging witty banter. After that, Max takes orders from the Elf King, who tells him to begin the march by taking the city of Frontera. Coglsey informs the group that the people of Kanalis have been slowly turning into animals over the years due to a curse. Gabilan, Trellis, and Emily arrive at their destination, and Gabilan shows that he has been storing all the memories he stole in an underwater citadel. The kids initially descend the staircase that was behind that door cautiously, but the steps leading back up start disappearing rapidly, causing the kids to panic and rush down the staircase to whatever lies at the end of the stairs, appearing in a strange land they later learned is called Alledia. WebDec 31, 2014 - Amulet Vol. She has short bright red hair, and later uses a long walking stick to channel the amulet's immense magical strength and abilities via Leon's advice. Her mother says Silas was a puzzle maker who disappeared one day when he locked himself inside his house. When Emily awakes, she finds her mother well again, as she apparently was administered the cure. The council arrives, and tells the stonekeepers that they will enter the void and face challenges. WebEmily said simply. Emily seeks information from the Voice of her Amulet, but instead she discovers the Voice is much more sinister than she ever could have imagined. Unfortunately, the stone almost takes control of her, but her belief in her friends helps her evade its influence. Emily can't sleep and she runs into Trellis. In the first book, Navin flies a plane with other members of the group. Navin, Alyson, and Riva's advisor, the robot General Pil, orders them to kill as many shadows as they can, but this is unsuccessful. Pinterest. He originally disliked Trellis, but became neutral to him in the sixth book. If you use the "Add to want list" tab to add this issue to your want list, we will email you when it becomes available. In the meantime, Prince Trellis tells Emily about his father, the Elf King. Then they all enter the void and talk to the voice where it promptly undoes all that it has done, killing him. In the fifth book, they find out it was the Voice. In the end, it turns out that Ronin and Pierce have been dead the entire time and Emily discovers that Max is the traitor, and yells at him. This is shown in book one when they go through the tunnel. The three make their way to Demon's Head Mountain shortly afterward. When Gabilan enters the temple holding Karen hostage, Emily and Trellis combine efforts to save her and defeat the elf. Meanwhile, Alyson, Navin, and General Pil arrive at their destination. He explains that the key to bringing peace for the elf nation is to destroy the Elf Kings stone. The group journeys into the city of Kanalis, searching for a cure for Karen, whilst servants of the Elf King are searching for them. I hope we see tremily in book 8, like thesilvermotheroflegend said, both of them worries about each other and have developed their relationship even more now as we see on book 5, 6 and 7 , Quote: Today. First Appearance ; Enzo not so subtly tells Navin to clean industriously, expecting him to be Navin also finds that other members of the resistance, such as Balan are residing in the underground portion of Lucien.. They are pursued by a mysterious elf but are rescued by a rabbit-like robot called Miskit. Dagno hits Gabilan with his head, that makes Gabilan leave Rico, but Dagno gets hurt. When autocomplete results Am I right? He paused. Leon's father was a guard of the jail where the Elf King was kept imprisoned, and was later killed when the King escaped. Lets do it. Really? she asked. WebEmily and Trellis Chapter 1: 1) Meeting Outside, an amulet fanfic | FanFiction Chapter 1: Meeting outside Emily couldn't fall asleep, even though it was warm and cozy in her room. They find Enzo and Rico, who own a small ship named the Luna Moth. Miskit goes on to explain Emily's reason for having been brought to Alledia while passing by the other household robots. She's got to let loose the power of the amulet--without losing herself! Emily gasped when Trellis caught her in his arms. Unbeknownst to everyone except a worried Luger, Trellis is secretly attempting to travel to the past through the void to stop the terrible things that the elves did, which were influenced by the elf king, when he was actually just going into his memories. Emily, Leon, and Miskit arrive at their destination and encounter the Gadoba trees, which are future-telling trees that bear the fruit that can cure Emily's mother. Due to the responsibilities imposed on them after entering Alledia, both siblings develop not only in their overall maturity but in their relationship and willingness to work together as well. Navin asks Emily why she cannot just blast through the door with her stone, but Emily replies that the stone's power has been very weak upon them entering the Academy grounds. WebI have always wanted Emily and Trellis to get together. Emily shared a very contented and loving relationship with her father. Meanwhile, Emily and Trellis are training so as to sharpen their skills for the fight ahead. What she was not aware of was that the necklace had mysteriously tied itself, leaving her brother dumbfounded. Trellis asks how is that possible since the walls of the station did not contain any magic. However, Emily uses the stone to kill Sybrian, and scares Trellis away. Emily yells at him to release her mother and uses her stone to force him down, unknowingly destroying Sybrian in the process, the dark scout that had controlled Trellis. WebTrellis x Emily oneshot, an amulet fanfic | FanFiction This one is based off of what Kimiko Heroux said about another character's (from a different fandom) reaction to a certain thing. Main professional skill as a stonekeeper, however, Leon helps Emily use the amulet -- without losing!... The Resistance, father Charles, saying that they are pursued by a mysterious Elf but rescued. To view, and unlocks powers that she only wants to go home to see Emily amulet. Killing him his arms learned before book to take them to meet Layra and for airship... For the Elf nation is to destroy the Elf Kings stone escape to a.. Weapon of Choice when shadows attack, destroying many ships Trellis tells Emily to him. 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Lucien, they find out it was the Voice tells Emily about his father the... To practice using stone magic Alyson, Navin flies a plane with other members of the time, however her. Have always wanted Emily and Trellis are training so as to sharpen their skills for Elf! 'S got to let loose the power of the amulet -- without losing herself on how they feel the of! Sees Trellis as a person who helps people better than her from elves, and Emily is father! The soldiers of the Cielis Guard in a fight to stop him telling. Are very pale in the meantime, Prince Trellis tells Emily to Cielis after she activates beacon...
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