(ST novels: Articles of the Federation, A Singular Destiny), In the early 2160s, vessels of the new Federation Starfleet carrying the Federation Council President (an ancestral office) were known as Starfleet One. (DIS: "The Galactic Barrier"), The president was supported by the Cabinet, a special committee comprising the heads of the executive departments of the Federation government. How do ordinary citizens get around the Federation? Some non-canon works assert that founding member Alpha Centauri is home to a human race (transplanted by the Preservers from classical third-century BC Greece) known as, variously, Centaurans, Centaurians, or Centauri. Photo Cr: Michael Gibson/CBS 2020 CBS . (Starship Recognition Series 2). All nominees for the office of president must be nominated by someone other than themselves. The President of the United Federation of Planets was one of the most important offices in the entire Star Trek universe, but out of all the people who held the position who was the best Commander in Chief? rev2023.1.18.43174. The president acts as head of state for the Federation government. Presidents of the United Federation of Planets: This timeline reflects the un (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home), The President's office in Paris on Earth in 2293, In 2293, the president, an Efrosian, opened negotiations with Klingon chancellor Gorkon, following the destruction of the Klingon moon Praxis. [3] One of the first teleplays Coon was credited with was "A Taste of Armageddon", where an ambassador on the Enterprise is referred to as a Federation official. Responsible for the day-to-day operations of an entire quadrant of the galaxy, the president was in command of Starfleet as its military body and could exercise a certain amount of control on all member planets. In the fictional universe of Star Trek the United Federation of Planets (UFP) is the interstellar government with which, as part of its space force Starfleet, most of the characters and starships of the franchise are affiliated. Satan,Paralax,Baal,Lucifer, Denab,Leviathan, Asmodeus, Demurg. - Thomas Vanderbilt, First President of the United Federation of Planets, January 7, 2162. He . It is customary for each administration to redecorate the Presidential Office and the top three floors of the Palais as that president sees fit. How is the president of the United Federation of Planets elected? It is committed to . Are all members of the United Federation of Planets on actual planets? The President of the United Federation of Planets is the executive head of the Federation government. That year he presided over the Council's deliberations concerning the actions of Federation Starfleet Admiral James T. Kirk, who had hijacked the USS Enterprise and exacerbated an interstellar incident with the Klingon Empire at the Genesis planet. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; DS9: "Homefront") In addition, the president could preside over special courts martial in which the Federation Council served as the judging body. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Even if the outcome was inevitable, Jaresh-Inyo wasn't what the Federation needed during that tough time. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. This information, however, was not seen on-screen. Its founding members were Earth, Vulcan, Andoria, and Tellar. Little is known about Jonathan Archer's time as Federation President between the years 2184 and 2192, but his important adventures and discoveries as captain of the . Ambassador Sarahd was appointed as his Vice-President. The novel A Time for War, A Time for Peace establishes that an individual anonymously submits an application for candidacy to the Federation Council, which reviews each application and certifies that a candidate fills all qualifications for the office. STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. Starfleet Admiral and Chief of Starfleet Operations Leyton and Captain Benjamin Sisko advocated increased security on Earth following the bombing, and when the planetary power grid was disabled, Inyo declared martial law on the capital planet. fr:Prsident de la Fdration des Plantes Unies Later, it was discovered that the grid had been disabled by Leyton's own agents, and that Leyton was leading an attempted military coup d'etat against the Federation civilian government. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation, ST - A Time to novel: A Time to Heal), The president has the right to executive review of legislation passed by the Federation Council, and may veto a bill. Under the Articles of the Federation, the President Pro Tempore is empowered to discharge the duties and . ja: All Federation citizens within and without UFP territory are allowed to submit their ballots, which are tabulated over the course of a week by two independent auditing firms and by the Federation government before a winner is certified. The United Federation of Planets is an interstellar state composed of 155 member states, colonies, protectorates, and other planetary governments unified under the goals of universal liberty, justice, equality, trade, exploration, scientific advancement, peace, and mutual protection. Notable presidents who have taken strong steps in defining the role of the presidency include Haroun al-Rashid, Avaranthi sh'Rothress, Kenneth Wescott, Ra-ghoratreii, Thelianaresth th'Vorothishria, Zife (ST novel: Articles of the Federation), and Nanietta Bacco (ST - The Fall novel: Peaceable Kingdoms). (ST - A Time to novel: A Time to Kill, ST novel: Articles of the Federation), The fourteenth and thirteenth floors house the president's staff, with the Presidential Chief of Staff's office and the offices of the cabinet members located on the outer rim of Floor Fourteen, while the presidential support staff, including the various deputy chiefs of staff, speechwriters, and other presidential employees, are housed on Floor Thirteen and the innermost rim of Fourteen's offices. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. the united federation of planets (abbreviated as ufp and commonly referred to as the federation) was a supranational interstellar union of multiple planetary nation-states that operated semi-autonomously under a single central government, founded on the principles of liberty, equality, peace, justice, and progress, with the purpose of furthering In 2372, for instance, former president Jaresh-Inyo of Grazer declared a state of emergency on Earth (the primary planetary political subdivision of United Earth, a founding Member, and capital planet of the UFP itself) in response to concerns about Changeling infiltration when that planet's power distribution system was sabotaged. Despite that, it is clear from her accomplishments in Star Trek: Discovery that President Laira Rillak most exemplified the office of President of the UFP. This shrunk the Federation from a peak of 350 worlds to just 38, notably excluding both Earth and Ni'Var (formerly known as Vulcan). [11], In the timeline of Star Trek, the Federation was founded in 2161,[12] after the events of Star Trek: Enterprise but before those of the other series in the franchise. (Dragon Ball Z vs. Star Trek: The Way of Infinity), The president is also allowed to dissolve the parliament and announce new elections if it's absolutely necessary. As the leader of the Federation, the President is widely considered to be the most powerful person in both the alpha and beta quadrants. In the wake of the Zife Administration and the Dominion War, however, the presidency has become a considerably more autonomous office with much less overview from the Federation Council. That year, he presided over the council's deliberations concerning the actions of Federation Starfleet Admiral James T. Kirk, who had hijacked the USS Enterprise and exacerbated an interstellar incident with the Klingon Empire at the Genesis planet. According to a newspaper clipping created as background material for Star Trek Generations and entitled "It's Federation Day! The President is also the most senior diplomat in the Federation, though the Federation Council may over-ride the President in this area with a sufficient number of votes. (TOS movie: The Voyage Home), The president is responsible for the appointment of Federation ambassadors to foreign nations, a responsibility apparently wielded unilaterally, without requiring the authorization of the Federation Council. The Federation President (formally, the President of the United Federation of Planets) is the democratically elected head of state and head of government of the United Federation of Planets. The President received foreign ambassadors and had the authority to control Starfleet deployments and to declare martial law on Federation member worlds. ", the first President of the United Federation of Planets was former United Earth ambassador Thomas Vanderbilt, appointed upon the founding of the Federation in 2161. 10). (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: A Choice of Futures), By 2164, the Council had voted to establish a full Federation presidency, popularly elected with a four-year term. The democratically-elected Federation President is the head of this branch. (ST - The Fall novel: A Ceremony of Losses), In the 2280s of an alternate timeline, even Starfleet shuttlecraft ferrying the Federation President received this designation. USS Enterprise-A Captain Kirk and Doctor Leonard McCoy were arrested by the Klingons under the rules of interstellar law and charged with Gorkon's assassination; when Kamarag, the Empire's Ambassador to the Federation, defended his government's actions and demanded that Kirk and McCoy stand trial, the President conceded, "This president is not above the law.". The Federation neighbors the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, the Cardassian Union, and several smaller groups. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home), The President was supported by the Cabinet, a special committee comprising the heads of the executive departments of the Federation government. (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru"), The seal of the Federation President, described as representing "the Federation's chief executive", was designed by Herman Zimmerman for Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. In DS9, "Paradise Lost/Homefront", then president Jaresh-Inyo, mentions that he was content to just be a representative for his world before becoming President. When a president unexpectedly resigns, dies, or is otherwise unable to discharge the powers of the office, the Federation Council declares a councillor to be President Pro Tempore; the President Pro Tempore then serves for a short term length set by law, while a special election is then called by the Council. (TOS novel: The Chimes at Midnight). They lie with Star Trek's United Federation of Planets, and not Star Wars' Galactic Republic. Built during the term of Thelianaresth "Thelian" th'Vorothishria in the early 24th Century to serve as his residence, Chteau Thelian features a sitting room with the portraits of each president since Thelian. The novel also names several prior Federation Presidents, including the ones who are canonically "name unknown." However, Ni'Var's President T'Rina (Tara Rosling) says it was one of many reasons. The president was to meet Gorkon on Earth for a peace conference, but Gorkon was assassinated en route by a pair of rogue Starfleet non-commissioned officers. The Federation presidency has traditionally been an office considerably less autonomous than the presidencies of many planetary governments. The President receives foreign ambassadors and has the authority to control Starfleet deployments and to declare martial law on Federation Member worlds. The Inhabitants were Contaminated with Parasites. The franchise focuses on Starfleet, the exploration and defence arm of the Federation, rather than the government. Though his name was never confirmed, several non-canon novel sources, including Articles of the Federation, mentioned his name as being Hiram Roth. The Office of the President of the United Federation of Planets is the official name for the executive support structure that enables the President of the United Federation of Planets to effectively do their job. Dec 5, 2022 at 7:15 In DS9, "Paradise Lost/Homefront", then president Jaresh-Inyo, mentions that he was content to just be a representative for his world before becoming President. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation), The president is generally expected to solicit the participation of councillors from the appropriate sub-councils when dealing with issues pertaining to that sub-council's jurisdiction, and a full sub-council sometimes is capable of exercising authority nearly equal to that of the president's over an issue. With little actual information to go off of, judging the individual accomplishments of Federation Presidents has never been easy. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} or {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old. The Federation News Service commonly projects a winner in the days leading up to Election Day, and has never projected erroneously. Can a private citizen of the Federation legally obtain a starship? Following the Whale Probe incident (in which Kirk and his crew saved the planet), the president and the council agreed to drop all but one of the charges against the Enterprise crew, the remaining charge of disobeying orders simply resulting in Kirk being demoted to captain as he wanted all along in gratitude for their service to Earth and the Federation. The Federation is an organization of numerous planetary sovereignties, including Earth and Vulcan. Non-canonically, the novel The Assassination Game mentioned a Federation President in the year 2255 named Pellan Fel who was an Andorian and could have possibly been the one in question. As the leader of the Federation, the President was often considered to be the most powerful individual in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Jaresh-Inyo was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and his ineffectual leadership didn't help matters in the brewing Dominion War. In the First Splinter timeline, the first presidential election after President Nanietta Bacco's special election in 2379 was scheduled for 2385, a full six years later. [16] Presidential powers include issuing pardons[17] and declaring states of emergency. President Jaresh-Inyo, the Grazerite who had the unfortunate distinction of being president in the 2370s, saw nothing but political strife during his turbulent tenure in office. [19] The Federation also has a supreme court[20] and a legislature, the Federation Council, with delegates from its various member worlds. (Dates unestablished: late 22nd century): (Exact dates unestablished: early 2230s, two terms): (Dates unestablished; during Cardassian first contact). (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace), The president also sets the course for Federation foreign policy, though the Council can override the president's foreign policy directives if such a resolution has a sufficiently large majority of councillors behind it.
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