She was also referred at times as the goddess of victory because freedom must have victory in order to survive. Inspired by Colossus, he created a robed Middle Eastern woman, a peasant, holding up a fiery torch. Many women who gained freedom later turned to prostitution to survive and thereby retained Libertas as their goddess, especially if they became priestesses in the Libertas cult. Bartholdis statue has been intended originally for Port Said beside the Suez Canal (see over). To prep for this undertaking, Barry Moreno, author of multiple books about the statue, writes that Bartholdi studied art like the Colossus, honing the concept for a figure called Libertas who would stand at the canal. Frdric Auguste Bartholdi (1834-1904). The torch was never reopened, but visitors looking for a view can still visit the crown with a reservation made at. Instead, a broken chain and shackles lie at the statues feet, delivering the abolitionist message more subtlety. An icon of freedom, The Statue of Liberty has welcomed all who have come to New York Harbor for the past 132 years. It is only known that the cup is still in existence. Ishtar holding a symbol of leadership. This is the very first instance of Prostitution in human history. REUTERS/Mike Segar. In fact, if we try to transliterate the English term Mother of Exiles into the Greek Mother as a word has similar phonetic sounds. Left: Roman goddess Libertas - Right: Statue of Libery. Yes, thats right. Held in the Louvre. But the artist soon found a way to recycle his design. Laboulaye, a French Freemason proposed the idea of a giant statue replicating a goddess that the Masonic movement idolized. isis is the egyptian name for the babylonian goddess ishtar the statue of liberty is the statue of this same ancient pagan "queen of heaven "- rev. The statue is the patron saint of immigrants everywhere. Oddly enough, the Babylonian goddess Ishtar was also the patron goddess of immigrants in Babylon because as a goddess of personal freedom, she brought hope to immigrants seeking to make a better life for themselves in Babylon. There are numerous other statue of other pagan deities in the US Capitol building and around the nations capitol city. Some people suggested celebrities or other works of art, while others went so far to say she actually looked like a man. The torch we see today is actually the same type of cup design used in ancient times for drinking wine. We know of Libertas being referred to as the Mother of Harlots by the famous Roman historian (and senator) Ciceros writings. Ishtar introduced that whole concept to the human race. Porneoh=lust fulfillment by sexual relations in exchange for money which again was the main claim to fame for Ishtar holy sexual prostitution. When she was assembled on Bedloes Island, she was a beautiful brown color, and stayed this way for around 35 years. It seems that the allure of Ishtar was her doctrine of holy sex or salvation by holy sexual relations with a temple priestess or priest as a means of purification and holiness. For instance all these deities were actually just one goddess and she was associated with the planet Venus. Ishtar was worshipped primarily as the goddess of both love and war, and she was associated with aspects of these areas such as sex, fertility, and political power. Most of the visitors go there to visit that statue. This should not be confused with the Laws of Moses. The statue was presented to the U.S., taken apart, shipped across the Atlantic Ocean in crates, and . She was a Mother of Harlots and also a daughter of Babylon. She was a goddess who flew among the stars and so therefore was called the Queen of Heaven or Lady of Heaven. (ed.) She was also known as the goddess of victory because there is not freedom without victory. Bartholdi consented to make modifications to the basic cup design to allow for a natural gas flame to be utilized. SYMBOLISM OF THE STATUE OF LIBERTY (ISIS) The Statue of Isis sits on a tiny island called 'Minnisais,' meaning in the Indian language, "small island"; and her foundation is an 11-pointed star. This makes the Statue of Liberty the largest Idol ever made by human hands. Such acceptance also meant that the nation would have a good year of agricultural harvests. The ancient Greeks named her Astarte and the Bible mentions her as Ashtoreth. She was also referred at times as the goddess of victory because freedom must have victory in order to survive. Later the Romans referred to her in the Latin, initially as Libertas and later as Venus when they accepted more than just the Liberty doctrines., The Crown of 7 Spikes: This symbol was to represent the enlightenment of the Babylonian sun god Shamesh/Utu. This ancient bronze statue was over 100 feet tall and considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. See also: Isaiah 47:1-15; Jeremiah 51:7. Libertas was the Roman goddess of personal liberty, derived from Ishtar, the Sumerian sex goddess worshipped by prostitutes and exiles. Who does the Statue of Liberty look like? She was also the goddess of the planet Venus. He developed a lifelong passion for large-scale public monuments. A prototype for the statue was titled Egypt Carrying the Light to Asia., The proposal was eventually scrapped due to its high cost but the designs would find a home elsewhere. The original 1888 Goddess of Liberty statue that graced the top of the Texas State Capitol Building dome for nearly 100 years is one of the most significant and prominent artifacts in the Bullock Museum. So too for this Mother of Exiles. #TriviaTuesday Its Charlotte Bartholdi, the sculptures mom. American born Moor, Author, History Researcher, Modernist, 720 Entrepreneur/ Corporate Mogul in the making; who observes & analyzes human nature for data mining purposes. This seems like a dichotomy of sorts but Ishtar was a daughter of the original founding god of Babylon known as Anu who was the ruler of the planet called Nibiru. Nibiru was an additional planet in our solar system that circled the earth every 3,600 years, according to the royal records of Babylon. Over four million visitors pass through The Battery each year as they make their way to see Lady Liberty, one of New Yorks star attractions. Her motto was if it feels good, do it.. This is the image which later influenced French sculptor Frdric Auguste Bartholdi in the creation of his statue of Liberty Enlightening the World . Want to learn more about Lady Liberty? At least in the face. Originally called "Liberty Enlightening the World," the Statue of Liberty was designed by French Freemason and sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi with the assistance of engineer . But for years it hovered in Bartholdis brain until eventually he was able to make it come to life in New York Harbor. Indeed, she had invented the concept. commentary: America's Goddess (Part One) The Statue of Liberty. Now, Sitchin is one of only a handful of scholars who has been able to learn and translate the cuneiform tablet writings of the Sumerians/Babylonians. Her popularity was also unique because of her unique doctrine of hearing personal prayers. In other words, the each spike would flash occultic enlightenment to a continent on planet earth. When compared to the face of the statue, a portrait of Charlotte Bartholdi (seen above) looks almost identical. She was equated to have nearly the same power as the chief god of Babylon, the sun god Utu, also known as Shamesh. If the king or candidate found acceptance he would appear the following morning to the expectant crowds outside the temple palace to show that he had gained the favor of the goddess to rule for one more year. More than 12 million immigrants entered the U.S. through the Ellis Island gateway from 1892 to 1954, with its majestic neighbor, the Statue of Liberty,*Roman&corpus=Roman,,, San Fran City Panel Urges Reparations Of $5 Million Per Black Adult, Black Activists Demand Good Samaritan Be Charged For Shooting Armed Robber at Houston Taco Joint. 860 - 850 BCE, via The British Museum, London. He is an extraordinarily gifted scholar. She represents the United States. In other words, in the prophecies, it is referring to Ishtar approving the rule of the kings because they have pleased her and did as she commanded. The Phoenicians on Cypress initially referred to her as Astarte., Isis was the name the Egyptians gave to her. The Statue of Liberty ( Liberty Enlightening the World) in New York derives from the ancient goddess Libertas. Liberty = Freedom and Freedom = Liberty. Napoleon III, had recently brought an end to the Second Republic remaining in power past his term and declaring himself Emperor of France. While he never formally confirmed it, many people recognize that there is a significant similarity between the Statue of Liberty and the mother of Bartholdi, Augusta Charlotte. And of course the Goddess of the New World - Lady Liberty - Columbia . The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the French Grand Orient Masonic Temple to the Freemasons of America, in celebration of the centennial of the founding of the first Masonic republic. The goddess Libertas is also depicted on the Great Seal of France, created in 1848. Is There An Ancient Secret Connection Between The Statue Of Liberty And The Anunnaki Goddess Inanna? After all, the statues structure was designed by Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel(yes, that Eiffel), and Lady Libertywas given to the United States by Francefor its centennial to celebrate the alliance of the two countries formed during the French Revolution. In 1867, the sculptor proposed building this colossus for the reigning Egyptian khedive, Ismail Pasha. Tages: Etruscan Prophet Who Revealed Sacred Knowledge Before He Vanished, Lost And Forgotten Goddess Asherah Queen Consort Of The Sumerian God Anu And Ugaritic God El, Ishtar was also known as the goddess of war because she fights for freedom and liberty. So it was with the world's first goddess of love . NY., 1995; ISBN: 0-380-78076-3], Now this ritual between Ishtar and the king or king candidate is what the Biblical prophecies are referring to when it talks about the Harlot having relations with the kings of the earth.. What we conclude: The Statue of Liberty is the woman being described in Revelation 17/18 and especially 17:4-5, 9 and 18:7 along with Isaiah 47:1-15. Each one served as inspiration for Bartholdis final design. A couple of years earlier, Bartholdi and his friends decided they were going to give a gift to the United States that was going to celebrate the centennial of the American Revolution, Berenson explains. It is none other than the Babylonian goddess Ishtar, Isis, Athena, Juno, Minerva, Semiramis, the 'Queen' of heaven, a pagan goddess, the . The statue was developed from within the highest doctrines of Freemasonry. In the 1870s, French abolitionist douard de Laboulaye joined forces with sculptor Frdric Bartholdi and renowned engineer Gustave Eiffel to dream up a monumental gift for the United States. If during the night she is displeased with the King in anyway she kills him and a new candidate is selected to undergo another ritual initiation of one night passion. Ultimately this goddess was transformed in a personification of America and liberty called Columbia. FREE delivery Jan 20 - 24 . It became obvious that for reasons of monetary purposes the statue must be made from copper. French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was commissioned to make the Statue of Liberty in 1865. Keep this image in mind as we explore the women and ideas who influenced the creation of Americas most famous monument. The Statue of Liberty and Statue of Freedom Plus Other Icons that are actually "American Babylonianism" by R.A. Coombes Libertas was the name of an ancient Roman goddess adopted by the Romans perhaps as early as the 5th century BC and certainly by the 4th century BC. The arm, with its torch held high, was on display at the U.S. centennial celebration in Philadelphia in 1876, but the full statue would not stand in New York Harbor until 1886. Freemasonry gives lip service to Judaism, Christianity and Islam as law-giving religions but Freemasonry tries to synthesize all religions into one central focusthe idea of law in general. However, sculptor Frdric-Auguste Bartholdi was first inspired by the colossal figures guarding Nubian tombs. The use of copper precluded the use of any color schemes. Salvation and glory and honor and power belong to the Lord our God! Its true that, up close, her face can be quite daunting. The actual, original golden cup was later sold by the project to the Czar of Russia, Czar Nicholas. It was erected atop an American-designed pedestal on a small island in Upper New York . This statue of the pagan Madonna, the Statue of "Liberty," is a statue of this same ancient pagan "Queen of Heaven," the wife of Nimrod, or Semiramis! Our goal is to establish a Moorish Museum of History and Culture. Naturally then Ishtar (a.k.a. Libertas) was known as the Mother of Harlots, the Mother of Exiles and the Mother of immigrants throughout not only Babylon and Babylonia but also later Assyria, Egypt, Greece and Rome. The torch was never reopened, but visitors looking for a view can still visit the crown with a reservation made at Each spike would flash this occultic enlightenment to each of the 7 horas or large landmasses of the world. It was an offering of thanksgiving for the purification. France paid for the statue with the understanding that Americans would raise the funds for her pedestal, faced with pink Stony Creek granite. Libertas was also a goddess of war in order to fight for freedom. In 1917 during the Russian revolution the Communist government took possession of it. This is why she was referred to as the Mother of Harlots. Naturally then Ishtar (a.k.a. Libertas) was known as the Mother of Harlots, the Mother of Exiles and the Mother of immigrants throughout not only Babylon and Babylonia but also later Assyria, Egypt, Greece and Rome. ISHTAR: Goddess of Liberty and Personal FreedomIshtar was introduced to the Greeks as Astarte through the Phoenicians. These statues of liberty are representations of Ishtar and Isis et al, with the rays of the Sun around her head. This is not true. The actual, original golden cup was later sold by the project to the Czar of Russia, Czar Nicholas. We know that this goddess existed because of the records left behind to us. Representations of her were commonly used symbolically by artists, so it was the perfect inspiration for Bartholdi. This item was originally designed to be a golden cup filled with the wine of freedom. The statue was constructed from plans drawn . Also see this link and scroll down to the letter L section and then click on the term Libertas:, 3. Ishtar: Goddess of Liberty and Personal Freedom. "The Latin Diana was conceived as a threefold unity of . The reference to Mystery Babylon Mother of Harlots is referencing Ishtar, the Mother of Harlots of Babylonand her mystery doctrines such as salvation by sex for money. It was the goddess known by various names. It was claimed that he as well as Ishtar and all the other deities flew among and from the stars in heaven., Ishtar was a multi-faceted deity. There's the Triple Goddess of the 3 phases of the moon. It was an offering of thanksgiving for the purification. The Ishtar Gate was part of Nebuchadnezzar's plan to beautify his empire's capital and during the first half of the 6th century BCE, he also restored the temple of Marduk and built the renowned . Ishtar introduced the concept of removal of sins by the practice of the sinner engaging in a holy rite of sexual relations with a priestess or priest. She was also known as the goddess of love because of her sexuality and her promotion of all types of sexual perversion in the name of freedom. She was referred to as the goddess of personal freedom and liberty. You may go and see the original model of the Statue of Liberty, with the broken chains at her feet and in her left hand. The Babylonian Ishtar, Imperial Rome's goddess Libertas was Papal Rome's "MOTHER OF THE HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH" and the template for America's Statue of Liberty. Revelation provides a symbolic similarity between the ancient historical aspect and a future relationship between a future Babylon and the rest of the nations. A Freemasonic, drag queen ritual is the symbol of this country. This item was originally designed to be a golden cup filled with the wine of freedom. America is indeed the Mystery Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18. The 2 names describe the one concept we call freedom. It's not a toga (although men did wear togas at the time) She's actually wearing three garments. Given 09-Jul-16; Sermon #1331c; 11 minutes. De Laboulaye quietly hoped that such a gift would inspire his own people to fight for their liberty. She was referred to as the goddess of personal freedom and liberty. The Statue of Liberty started as a romantic idea and became the most monumental gift in American history. . His name meant Lord of the air for his superior powers and the supremacy of the air. Special thanks toAO Report| References: 1., Statue of Liberty NM (@StatueEllisNPS) June 23, 2015. We say this because we know that the Statue of Liberty is actually the artist/sculpture's vision of Ishtar, the goddess of Babylon. See Revelation 18:1-24 and note how the overall theme revolves around money and material things. Isis was the name the Egyptians gave to her. For instance all these deities were actually just one goddess and she was associated with the planet Venus. Mother of Exiles is a key term in the poem by Emma Lazarus. Bartholdis first inspiration was a 110-foot statue of the Greek sun god Helios, commonly known as the Colossus of Rhodes. Author Barry Moreno writes in his book, The Statue of Liberty, that,The Colossus of Rhodes influenced Bartholdis bold plans for the statue of Libertas. An early sketch of the statue done by Bartholdi. This goddess was called Ashtoreth in Hebrew and in the Old Testaments Greek version (the Septuagint). Instead, her severe expression and the calm demeanor of her face represents the long and difficult journey to freedom. Most had phonetic language roots in the transliterating aspects of the name Ishtar and this remained so until the Greeks changed the name to Aphrodite. And the Statue of Liberty, as we know her today, was born., Source: The Statue of Liberty was modeled after an Arab woman Sarah BirnbaumGlobalPost, French designer Frdric Auguste Bartholdis inspiration for the Statue of Liberty has been fairly well documented throughout history. Her torch was added to represent progress, giving the statue a more peaceful appearance rather than invoking violence. This enlightenment took its form in various symbols found in the sculpture itself. In Canaan this deity was called Ashtaroth. His research led him to ancient giant Egyptian statues and, eventually, to the Colossus of Rhodes. This goddess was the goddess of freedom because she promoted the ideals for the personal freedom to do anything that felt good. Super-power Babylon acts just like an Ishtar and engages in prostitution with the rest of the nations. She was to be wearing the royal robes of scarlet and purple. From Eshnunna. A Texas treasure, it is part of the State Preservation Board's Capitol Historical Artifact Collection and is on permanent exhibition, towering . ISIS is the statue of Liberty because she is the Goddess that many worship around the world, and she is the moon Goddess who gave birth to Horus "the god of the sun." Satan's nick name is Horus. Those pertinent facts that remain largely unknown revolve around the true history of the Statues inception as well as the meaning and significance behind the statue. Ive got a great idea! Fearing it would incur too great an expense, Ismail Pasha rejected the offer in 1869. This process was to continue until Ishtar accepted a candidate who met with her satisfaction. This was later equated with the idea of immigration. On July 4, 1884 France presented the United States with an incredible birthday gift: the Statue of Liberty! This golden cup remained in the planning and was actually made. Ishtar in the most ancient of times was also referred to by the Sumerian dialect asInannaor Ninanna meaning the Queen of Heaven or Lady of Heaven. Though slavery had ended, Jim Crow laws in the South and the less explicit but equally oppressive and exclusionary tactics in the North denied African-Americans the equality, justice and liberty for all that our nation purported to uphold. He served in the original investigative group attempting to repair the damaged scrolls. Rav Sha'ul. The independence that Rhodes celebrated with the erection of the colossus had been gained only by the critical intervention in 304 bc of ships belonging to Ptolemy I, a former general of Alexander the Great and founder of the Egyptian dynasty that would last until the death of Cleopatra (VII) the Great. Her third aspect is celestial; she is the planet Venus, the morning and evening star. She was first and foremost endeared to the hearts and minds of Babylonians because of her primary dedication to Freedom and Liberty. The are just too many coincidences when we compare the characteristics in the scriptures relating to the woman called Mystery Babylon Mother of Harlots with that of Ishtar of Babylon and the Statue of Liberty.
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