Recall, the Mafia Don played by Marlon Brando in the opening scene of The Godfather taking care of an Italian fathers wish to revenge the shabby treatment of his daughter by some Anglo-boys. Power in Symbolic Interactionism via Social Exchange Theory. More market exchange, often among strangers, is restricted exchange where one expects immediate payback. Collins theory is based on people being unequal in their resources, which links to power resources theory but he is a bit vague about the connection. In the bottom half of the table that describes low status, there are also three reactions. Among her kin, she aims to keep the family together for over 50 years with parties with over 60 people. For instance, Anselm Strauss (1978; Strauss et al. Michael Schwalbe and five others present a theory of critical interactionism on how inequalities are created in society, and these can also be related to social mobility. This section interrogates the concept of power and its weak presence in symbolic interactionist theory, and then goes into the theorys conceptions of inequality. One important type of restricted exchange involves an important time dimension (see 2 in Table 5.1). Generalized exchange is more community and group interested rather than self-interested. In row 5 (items 13, 14, and 15) people may be of low rank because of accidents or bad luck. [1] I use exchange theory since it is better suited to my purposes than Collins rather short discussion of power and status rituals (2002: 111-114; 348-349). This section interrogates the concept of power and its weak presence in symbolic interactionist theory, and then goes into the theory's conceptions of inequality. But it is the high ranking but protected people and the low-ranking discriminated people who are the most likely to engage in social mobility conflicts. These people are very self-confident and quite connected. He questions George Herbert Meads predication of symbolic interaction as being based on sociation, which is the general consensual pursuit of cooperate social relations. Instead Athens prefers to see the pursuit of power as the basic motivating force for human beings and their groups. However, theories of political sociology cannot assume unrelenting social mobility for everyone since most social mobility is relational. And downward mobility is much more painful than lack of mobility. The other form of strategic exchange is much narrower in scope and as a result it is called restricted exchange. This type of exchange is favored by rational choice proponents and economists who see it as the paramount exchange that exists in markets. 2014: 185-86) speaks of a negotiated order and mentions bargaining. As we have seen with the Trump-base, many of these people state I want my country back and Make America Great again. While one might self-righteously declare them as unjustified, they do not agree, and they are a political force to be reckoned with. Much of this type of exchange is linked to rational action as per Max Webers concepts of rationality. The central concepts of the approach. Joseph married Rose Fitzgerald, the daughter of the then Irish Mayor of Boston. Although Boston elites tended to discriminate against the Irish, some Irish social entrepreneurs become more powerful over time. They largely do not see their bad luck as deserved but nonetheless it is what it is. They will often engage with higher ranked persons with cooperation and attempts at patronage and opportunism. [1] I use exchange theory since it is better suited to my purposes than Collins rather short discussion of power and status rituals (2002: 111-114; 348-349). Symbolic Interactionist Theory Revised for Political Sociology Interactional Ritual Chains and Differential Association Power and Inequality in Symbolic Interaction From Generalized Others to Social Networks and Groups to Social Structure and Culture Conclusion Power and Inequality in Symbolic Interaction "Symbolic Interactionism, or Interactionism for short, is one of the major theoretical perspectives in sociology Interactionists focus on the subjective aspects of social life, rather than on objective, macro-structural aspects of social systems For the interactionist, society consists of organized and patterned interactions among individuals. Their motto, Wilson and Wilson, For the People dominates the airwaves on TV and the internet decrying the greed of insurance companies. These can be seen in birthday parties in a family (group to individual that is closed by family members) or birthday parties at work where the exact people in the group may be constantly changing as employees come and go. It is also discussed in a rather ethnomethodological form in Josh Pacewiczs Partisans and Partners (2016), though the gift relationship large resembles these other generalized exchange forms. Differentiating these relationships gives meaning to positive and negative types of generalized others in the social mobility process. But on the other hand, the one large factory owner who does not give to the community was ostracized from society and politics. Interactionists often consider the question of how power is exchanged in a situation. Exchange theory then leads to bargaining processes, which will be discussed more fully in chapter 9 on the macro-level. They are not as subordinated as those with degraded status, and they may achieve some limited mobility. In another way, a gift may be given to the taker, but the giver extracts a promise of a favor in the future. These people are very self-confident and quite connected. Further examples can be seen in the development of trade unions. In row 5 (items 13, 14, and 15) people may be of low rank because of accidents or bad luck. Symbolic interaction has a particular weakness concerning a concept critical to political sociology and that is the concept of power. The exchange is usually short (money paid for material objects, knowledge or personal services) and both parties are self-interested. This section interrogates the concept of power and its weak presence in symbolic interactionist theory, and then goes into the theorys conceptions of inequality. A symbolic interactionist who does directly confront symbolic interactionism on questions of power is Lonnie Athens (1992, 1997). However, in tracking the patterns of social interaction to their troubling consequences, we heed the advice of an early interactionist, Blumer (1969), who urged symbolic interactionist researchers . While this more or less goes back to Thomas Hobbes and the war of all against all, we do not have to flip flop on the basic motivations of humans and see that we all are motivated by both love and hate, cooperation or conflict, or caring and violence. Economists would like to apply restricted exchange to all types of social exchange (e.g., Gary Beckers rational account of marriages and partnerships, and also sociobiological theories that see couples maximizing their gene pools for reproduction). Their generalized others will have fewer long-term relationships and rely on a constant influx of new exchangers. However, when groups are involved in strategic action then these calculations, in as much as they can be made, become quite important. Although Boston elites tended to discriminate against the Irish, some Irish social entrepreneurs become more powerful over time. In a sense, they are saying I want my social mobility back or I dont want others to be rising above me with their own social mobility. On the other hand, those on the bottom may make the claim that upward mobility has no effect on others at the top, but relationally, this is not the case. 2017; Sandstrom et al. In row 5 (items 13, 14, and 15) people may be of low rank because of accidents or bad luck. Helen Hilton engaged in the least bridging capital to higher social classes. It is a further question of whether these negotiations or social bargains are involved with restricted or generalized exchange. With higher divorce rates, there is a direct correlation between the way we view the roles in a marriage/family and the overall health of said . The first type is restricted exchange that is best characterized by market exchange whereby one gives money for some goods or services. Restricted and generalized exchange relate to how generalized others are constructed. Oppressive othering has been largely ignored as a general social process though labeling theory comes close to it. Restricted and generalized exchange relate to how generalized others are constructed. More market exchange, often among strangers, is restricted exchange where one expects immediate payback. She informally entertains family and friends in a manner that reflects her idea of prevailing respectable social norms of her communitynothing more and nothing less. They engage in counter-othering which is the angry rejection of the imposed reflected appraisals of high-status people that intend to demean and reject them. In other words, if you constantly depend on another person for food, income, entertainment and shelter (e.g., a child to a parent, or a worker to the managers of a company town), while you supply none of these and other values to the other, then your other has a high amount of power over you since they could deny you these values. In another way, a gift may be given to the taker, but the giver extracts a promise of a favor in the future. Similarly, Josh Pacewicz (2016) shows how the old rich partisans made philanthropic gifts to keep town members in their debt, but these donations are small fractions of their total wealth. Rose Kennedy kept the family strongly united with frequent family gatherings (Patterson and Fagen 2020). Social exchange theory and symbolic interactionism are often thought of polar opposites, and in some ways they are. Those families who engage in bridging capital to go outside their kinship groups are even more successful in bringing their families more advancement in social mobility. However, a weak norm of generalized reciprocity (i.e., restricted exchange) will create weaker social bonds. 2014: 185-86) speaks of a negotiated order and mentions bargaining. They see four factors as being important in the creation of inequality: oppressive othering, boundary maintenance, emotion management, and subordinate adaptations (Schwalbe et al. They have deference and may have shame, but they seek to avoid these emotions by building negative subcultures where they are accepted with their deficiencies. The second type of exchange is generalized exchange. Thus, the social mobility process is not just a reaction to blockages, but it is a creative process of external valuation through generalized others, and internal identification through self-processes. It is a further question of whether these negotiations or social bargains are involved with restricted or generalized exchange. For example, consider the following: In Chapel Hill in the early 2000s, an African-American nurse promises to buy her daughter a dress for the prom, but her choice at a reasonable price at the department store is deemed mundane by her daughter. In it, gifts can be used to benefit the whole community through philanthropy, but they also may serve to create patrimonial relationships. Most often, more distant others are in restricted exchange relationships. In restricted exchange, there are six different types from individual to various types of group and societal exchanges (1, 3 to 6 in Table 5.1) (Ekeh 1974: 46-52; Janoski 1998: 77-82). In row 2 (items 4, 5 and 6) high ranking people have largely inherited their rank by ascriptive principles and they rely on their traditional positions but may need to engage in defensive othering and internalization, In row 3 (items 7, 8 and 9), some people have high rank due to bias and discrimination and they are quite insecure and very much subject to downward mobility. 202 Patterson Office Tower They actively construct a generalized other that recognizes their abilities and rejects oppressive othering, and they often will create positive sub-cultures among other low status but talented people that reflect their own more positive views (through ressentiment which was discussed earlier). In their fearful position, they intensify their oppressive othering through discrimination with high intensity and emotion. Her idea for social mobility is to work herself at the telephone company and maintain kinship and neighborly social relations. Schwalbe et al.s (2000) view of blockages goes beyond Merton to state that higher elites impose oppressive othering on low status people through emotion, discrimination, and self-processes of internalization or counter-othering. They then become one of the largest legal firms in a 10 state area. For an auto example, Ford Motor Company has had many Ford family members running the company; however, General Motors has had only one Sloan in the form of Alfred P. Sloan who had no children and his foundation operates on the East Coast. The other form of strategic exchange is much narrower in scope and as a result it is called restricted exchange. Their internalizations are highly manipulative and can often be violent because they are located closest to the boundary between high and low status, and they know it. Further examples can be seen in the development of trade unions. [2] Second, there are individual to group exchanges whereby a group might give a loan to an individual, and then the group expects payment by a particular date. [2] Second, there are individual to group exchanges whereby a group might give a loan to an individual, and then the group expects payment by a particular date. . Third, the eldest son of a middle-class family, George Wilson, becomes a personal injury lawyer and is quite successful. Ones and the others alternatives are measured by the number of alternatives times their value, which is the value of the alternative times its probability. The mother reluctantly buys the dress for the ecstatic daughter, but angrily tells her mother (the daughters grandmother) that the scion has underpaid you for years, and that this is exactly what keeps us in our place.. The family can also be a source of conflict, including physical violence and emotional cruelty, for its own members. These can be seen in birthday parties in a family (group to individual that is closed by family members) or birthday parties at work where the exact people in the group may be constantly changing as employees come and go. We discussed in class today that "Symbolic interactionism" is how gender differences are reinforced and institutionalized through the process of "socialization". For instance, if the exchange takes place repeatedly over time, norms evolve about the relationship. Authors Alex Dennis 1 , Peter J Martin Affiliation 1 School of English, Sociology, Politics and Contemporary History, University of Salford, UK.
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