He begins John 16 by stating (16:1, 2), These things I have spoken to you so that you may be kept from stumbling. All ____________ in the Lord preach righteousness to the unsaved world. We should all know by now that, we cannot trust the world or the people in it. Asas final days were plagued with painful gout. The new persons God created (II Cor. This is the point Paul made in Ephesians 2:5 when he told those Christians by grace you have been saved. Paul said it again to the Ephesians three verses later in Ephesians 2:8, For by grace you have been saved through faith. Previous: Psalm 39, The Brevity of Life And in the recollection that God had kept him in those sorrows, and had brought him up from such a depth of woe to such a height of glory. Rescue Seek, and ye shall find., Psalm 40:12 For innumerable evils have compassed me about: mine iniquities have taken hold upon me, so that I am not able to look up; they are more than the hairs of mine head: therefore my heart faileth me.. But here, the reason that David waits on the Lord and seeks Him is so that He will be magnified, or glorified. Not only can God get us through, God can make things better than they were before. What did Christ come to do? David says (Ps. May those who love your salvation always say, The Lord be exalted. In quoting psalm 40, the writer of Hebrews has made two important points. How can I express it? Web1 a : pictures produced by an imaging system b : the product of image makers : images also : the art of making images 2 : figurative language 3 : mental images especially : the products of imagination Example Sentences The book contains a great deal of sexual imagery. When He spoke the words, I am He, they fell backward to the ground. A new song (see note on Psalm 33:3). 13:11; 17:13; 19:20; 21:21), where the phrase, all Israel shall hear and fear, is used of the effect produced by the capital punishment of a high-handed transgressor of the Law. We can look back at them and say how bad they were, but in all reality, you and I had just as much to do with His crucifixion as they did. Either by weeping, or by the mere pressure of suffering, he was so affected as to be almost deprived of the power of seeing. King Asa was a classic example of a good man who fell into this trap. All believers in the Lord preach righteousness to the unsaved world. The LORD be magnified for ever more. Psalm 40 The Servant Comes to Do Gods Will. If youre seeking the Lord and not just deliverance from your pit, you wont forget about God after He delivers you. In verse 4, as weve seen, he mentions how blessed is the man who has made the Lord his trust. What is Imagery? Verse 5 says, The things you planned for us no one can recount to you (NIV). This page last updated: September 8, 2022. Verse 5 concludes, they would be too many to declare.. We read of Paul being beaten, stoned, imprisoned, shipwrecked, persecuted, and finally sacrificed his life before the emperor of Rome. And by which it will appear that he that trusteth in thee is in a most blessed and safe condition, as he said (Psalm 40:4). The idea here is, not that he was unable to look up, but that the calamities which came upon him were so heavy and severe as to make his sight dim, or to deprive him of vision. In verse 1, David mentions his cry, which may have been as simple as, Help, Lord! In verse 13, he directly cries out, Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me; make haste, O Lord, to help me. In verse 17, he repeats, Since I am afflicted and needy, let the Lord be mindful of me. Marla and I do a fair amount of hiking, and we have encountered a lot of mud. We may be in a pit of hell, but Jesus will lift us up out of that pit and establish our goings, if we will only repent of our sins and receive Him as our Savior. 40:9; 41:27; 52:7 60:6; 61:1), is the precursor of the New Testament terminology for the gospel and preaching the gospel, i.e., announcing the good news. The worst evil that Jesus had against Him was the unbelieving leaders of the temple. Compare the psalmists pleasant frustration (in Psalm 139:12-18). Let us always be mindful and thankful for the forgiveness of sins that has been extended to us despite our sins. If Christ liveth in me, the _____ of _____ is in my heart. But, a prophet rebuked Asa for relying on the king of Syria instead of relying on the Lord (2 Chron. Imagery adds to the reader's understanding of a text and its themes. Second, by Christ fulfilling the law, he was able to set aside the first covenant with its condemnation for our sins and establish a new covenant that does take away our sins (sanctifies us). His petition is a plea for deliverance from his enemies, but it is wider than that. Sadly, many use God like Aladdins Genie and put Him back on the shelf when they get what they want. We see in this, the beautiful assurance that the Lords lovingkindness and truth are not withheld from us, when we seek them. There was no more need for sacrifice, Jesus paid it all. To wait on the Lord is blessed. In the fulfilment of which the lovingkindness, truth, and faithfulness of God, would appear. Holy Week He was a good king who instituted many reforms in Judah. What did some say when the earth began to shake and the light turned dark in the middle of the day at the crucifixion? December 2021 16:7-9). Aha, aha: The exclamation of malicious pleasure at anothers misfortune (compare Psalms 35:21; 35:25). Blessed is the man that maketh the Lord his ________. We are to magnify the Lord and His great salvation to a world that shrugs Him off, while they waste their lives watching inane TV shows or pursuing riches that will perish at their deaths. After saying that God did not desire sacrifices and offerings, Jesus says that he came to this earth to do the will of God. It implies the certainty that they would thus be ashamed and confounded. Then, the recompence, reward, wages, as being the end, the result, or issue of a certain course of conduct. Be pleased, O Lord to restore the church unto Yourself. The purpose of his enemies was to take his life; to prevent the spread of his doctrines; to check him in his work. Many times the circumstances of our lives are the pits. Many a person has been saved by singing and hearing songs sung in praise and worship. In verse 2, David brings out some imagery of what it is like to be in sin and paying the punishment for sins. If I would declare and speak of them, they would be too numerous to count. Maybe David was thinking about the wonders of creation (see Ps. They will make you outcasts from the synagogue, but an hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is offering service to God. He ends that chapter in a similar vein (16:33), These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but Gods kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. David cries for the Lord to make haste to help him. And thy thoughts which are to us-ward: Gods thoughtfulness for man, his consideration and providential care, deserve praise and thanks equally with his wondrous acts. Theyre like the guy I mentioned last week, who saw himself as a good sinner. Good sinners may admit that they need a little assistance now and then, but they dont need a Savior. That he should die at the time which had been proclaimed by the prophets, and in such a mode as to make an atonement for sin. I believe singing is a vital part of church services. If David turned to some human scheme for deliverance, then David and his ingenuity would get the credit. You may be responsible for being in your pit, or you may be a victim of the sins of others. Rather than follow the structure of the psalm, I want to follow Davids plan for getting out of a pit and his example of what to do when the Lord rescues you. In himself, the essential Word, in whom there is always grounds and reason for joy and gladness; because of his person, blood, righteousness, and sacrifice. Learn how to talk about despair because of our sins. It means they probably would not seek repentance, because they knew at this point, what a terrible thing they had done. The first sentence of this psalm shows us that David is practicing what he has been preaching in the past two psalms. And shall trust in the Lord: Shall confide in God. And this not by change of place, but by assumption of nature. All rights reserved. How can we determine the balance between trusting completely in the Lord versus using legitimate means or methods? 7:21-26; Hosea 6:6; Amos 5:21-24; Micah 6:6-8; Matt. Commentary for Psalms 40 . My sins nailed Jesus to the cross. Christ came to fulfill or complete Gods covenant. 17:11). They will let you down. From Isaiah 40:11 to Psalm 100:3 to John 10:1-18, sheep are portrayed as slightly defenseless. We have all failed. By seeking the Lord alone, when the Lord answers, He gets the credit. All this would have been defeated if, before that time came, he had been put to death by stoning, or in any of the numerous ways in which his life was threatened. He sent His Son to offer Himself obediently on the cross on our behalf (as Ps. Probably it was a Psalm that they sang together. Your pit could be poor health, the loss of your job, former friends that turned against you, an unfaithful mate, rebellious children, or any other overwhelming problem. The Word of God created the universe and everything in it for a habitation for man. Who pardons their sins, clothes them with the robes of righteousness and garments of salvation, and accepts their persons in Christ. David loved nothing more than to speak and sing of God in the great assembly.. The word here employed means to be astonished or amazed. Say continually, the Lord be magnified: i.e., Give them constant occasion to say, and give them the grateful heart to say, The Lord be praised for his mercies (compare Psalm 35:27). A telescope takes what looks like a tiny object in the night sky and magnifies it so that we get some idea of how awesome it really is. It falls into two sections. Joshua 16 KJV Then I said, Behold, I have come to do your will, O God, as it is written of me in the scroll of the book.'. Saint For on the execution of that design depended the salvation of a lost race. Horrible pit the miry clay: The imagery describes his past hopeless and helpless situation; compare the language of (Psalm. Attitudinally, David understood the importance of what would be explicitly commanded through Paul (in Rom. Psalm 40:3 And he hath put a new song in my mouth, [even]praise unto our God: many shall see [it], and fear, and shall trust in the LORD.. Note the emphases on proper spiritual prerequisites for sacrifices (in Psalms 19:14; 50:7-15; 51:15-17; 69:30-31; Isa. (See notes on Psalms 35:4; 35:26). We know that some said, surely this was the Son of God. We must see that we have the same need as David. WebImagery is a literary device that refers to the use of figurative language to evoke a sensory experience or create a picture with words for a reader. If you want to get a mate, why keep waiting on the Lord? And respecteth not the proud: Such as the Pharisees, and all self-righteous persons, who trust in themselves and their own righteousness. He can change our circumstances. The Book of Psalms is part of the third section of January 2023 In verses 9 and 10, he again affirms, I have proclaimed glad tidings of righteousness in the great congregation; behold, I will not restrain my lips, O Lord, You know. 49:8). Your comment will be posted after it is approved. Or in the book of the Scriptures. Where did David say God had put a new song? Let thy loving-kindness and thy truth continually preserve me: As he had promised; of which promise some notice is given (Isa. Psalm 40 is a psalm of David that continues the same line of thinking as psalms 38 and 39. February 2022 26:18). Evils however, did compass the Lord Jesus. It is a song of praise. He said the truth, when he said, Lord thou knowest. But now I realize that what You really desire is an obedient heart that delights to do Your will. In other words, David is affirming what Samuel told the disobedient King Saul (1 Sam. We must look to Jesus from whence cometh our help. 9 though we are commanded to love our enemies (Matt. So, when the fullness of time was come for his appearance in human nature, he repeated the same. When it says that he came to do Gods will, it is speaking about Gods covenant or testament. Perhaps our problem many times, is that we tire of waiting. I would spend the rest of my life naming them. Prayer Request He never turns a deaf ear to us either. Davids situation in the second pit seems to have been a combination of both. Psalm 40:2 He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, [and] established my goings.. 01:26:40. What a wonderful Savior is Jesus our Lord. David not only told everyone he saw about God and His goodness, but he even wrote these Psalms proclaiming to all future generations the goodness of the Lord. The NIV, for example, translates, Do not withhold your mercy from me, O Lord; may your love and your truth always protect me. But Derek Kidner (Psalms 1-72 [IVP], p. 160) says that unquestionably it is not a prayer; its a statement or reaffirmation of trust: (NASB) You, O Lord, will not withhold Your compassion from me; Your lovingkindness and Your truth will continually preserve me. Waiting on the Lord means, Lord, Youre my only hope for deliverance.. The lesson is, it is always wrong to trust in anything or anyone other than the Lord to get out of your pit, even if it works. God does not desire good deeds when we have violated His law. For pardon, righteousness, communion, larger measures of grace, and for honor, glory, immortality, and eternal life. Shall put their trust in him and shall become his true worshippers and friends. Joneses Because our tendency, even after salvation, is to think that we can do it ourselves, the Lord graciously keeps putting us in one pit after another, so that we cry out to Him. And when God did rescue him, David made sure that God got all the praise. Jesus explained to the disciples that He had not kept secrets from them. There may be an allusion here to Absaloms end, which was probably followed by a certain number of executions. The joy is not just in the deliverance, but in the Lord who delivers. Praise and worship songs prepare the heart to receive the sermon. Imagery of Sheep in Scripture. Writers use either literal or figurative language to help readers picture or imagine a scene by engaging their senses and evoking emotions. As applied to the Redeemer, this would refer to the fact that in his sorrows, in the deep sorrows connected with the work of redemption, he persevered in calling on God, and that God heard him, and raised him up to glory and joy (see Matt. More literally, I am afflicted and poor. The language would describe the condition of one who was afflicted and was at the same time poor. And seeing the coming of Christ into the world was not only appointed of God, agreed unto by Christ, but was prophesied of, and penned down in the sacred writings. What does it mean to commit your way to the Lord (Psalm 37:5)? 40:1), I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry. Waiting on the Lord is a common theme in Scripture. He had told them fully of Himself and the Father. Why is pragmatism (if it works, it must be okay) dangerous? The poet wants us to take this life seriously, to win this battle of life like a hero. Pushing the limits of AI and Computer Vision and Deep Learning, introducing a system that sees the road, learns and plans in real time. Because he did not have the indwelling Holy Spirit, he was genuinely concerned that God could finally reject him, something that Christians never have to fear, so he prayed for Gods grace and mercy to be poured out to him again. For a reward: The word used here eqeb means the end, the last of anything. Compare both external persecution and internal perversity (in Psalm 38). The One Who Rescues Me. But youve got to direct your mind to think about the right things. He can be the replacement to help us overcome our destructive habits. Beyond this, from the vantage point of New Testament revelation, an association with the Greater David is contained in seed form (in verses 6-8; compare Heb. March 2022 It is a ____________ to do the will of God. 10:5-7). Psalm 40:8 I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law [is] within my heart.. Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition The Lockman Foundation, Related Topics: Spiritual Life, Suffering, Trials, Persecution, Steve served as the pastor of Flagstaff Christian Fellowship from May, 1992 through his retirement in December, 2018. Let all those that seek thee in the first place, with their whole hearts be glad in thee. The word inclined here means properly bowed; that is, he bent forward to hearken, or to place his ear near my mouth and to hear me. We have another Psalm in our readings So when youre in the pit, wait intently on the Lord. Since He has delivered us, we are to be like telescopes. He placed the earth at the proper distance from the sun, so that we do not burn up or freeze. Much of the imagery of the Psalms is built upon a handful of core images found in Genesis that appear again and again in the Psalter and throughout Scripture. And yet I never heard any newsman giving thanks to God for preserving us from destruction! I cry for the Lord to help the church today. Psalm 40:4-6 is a Verses 1-17: Psalm 40 begins with a high-flight of thanksgiving and ends with a mixture of prayer and lament (compare the movement of Psalm 27). In one Sunday service, someone I know was gloriously delivered of alcohol addiction while a prayer was being sung. When we build upon Him, we shall not be moved. Imagery includes using personification, similes, metaphors, and language that appeals to the senses. We can find ourselves caught in the muddiness of sin. There, the author quotes the LXX, which translates the second line of verse 6, a body You have prepared for Me. This was apparently an interpretive paraphrase, where they used a part (the ear) and expanded it to the whole body (F. F. Bruce, Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews [Eerdmans], p. 232). Which was to die, and that a most shameful, and painful, and cursed death (see Luke 12:50; John 10:18; Heb. Why should we have praise, and worship music, and song before preaching? The evils here referred to, understood as being those which came upon the Messiah, were sorrows that came upon him in consequence of his undertaking to do what could not be done by sacrifices and offerings (Psalm 40:6). He acknowledges his many sins, which have overtaken him like a fog, so that he cant see his way clear (40:12). Mine ears hast thou opened: Literally ears or two ears You have dug for me. Jesus Some read these words as expressive of faith in these things, thou wilt not withhold, etc.
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